Special Court Complex, New England Ville

Modernising The Law

About Us

28 years+ Reforming The Law Of Sierra Leone


The Commission's mandate is derived from Section 3 of the Law Reform Commission (Act No. 17 of 1994) as amended under the Repeal and Modification Act No. 3 of 1996. Pursuant to Section 3(1), the Commission shall keep under review all laws of Sierra Leone, both statutory and otherwise, from time to time in force in Sierra Leone for the purpose of their reform, development, consolidation, and codification.

In the performance of such functions, the Commission shall prepare and submit to the Attorney General and Minister of Justice recommendations for:

  • Eliminating Anomalies and Other Defects in Any Branch of Law

  • Repealing Obsolete and Outdated Enactments

  • Generally Developing, Modernising, and Bringing the Law Up to Date

  • Consolidating Enactments


To continually review and reform the laws of Sierra Leone with a view to their systematic development, codification, and consolidation, thereby bringing the law up to date with current social, economic, and political realities.


A Law Reform Commission that reviews and reforms laws in order to build a just, equitable, and efficient system of laws and institutions that would ensure easy access to justice for all, and promote the achievement of the nation’s development priorities and objectives.

Our Objectives

At the Law Reform Commission of Sierra Leone, our objectives are rooted in the principles of justice, accessibility, and collaboration. We are dedicated to shaping a legal framework that is fair, modern, and accessible to all citizens. Our commitment to transparency and engagement underscores every aspect of our work.

Fair, Modern, And Clear Laws

Our primary objective is to ensure that the legal framework governing Sierra Leone is just, up-to-date, and easily understandable.

Outward-Facing Organisation

We believe that by being accessible and approachable, we can better serve the needs and interests of all Sierra Leoneans.

Collaborative Partnership

We actively seek partnerships with government agencies, legal professionals, civil society organizations, and the public.

Enhance access to justice

Through our work, we aim to break down barriers and ensure that justice is not just a concept but a reality for every citizen in Sierra Leone.


The Commission consists of a Chairman and six other Commissioners appointed by the President. It is serviced by a secretariat headed by the Secretary and has three departments namely; Research Drafting and Finance & Administration.

Yada Hashim Williams Esq


Hon. Justice Emmanuel Ekundayo Roberts (JSC)

Nominee of the Hon. Chief Justice to the Commission

Osman I Kanu Esq

Representative of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice on the Commission.

Dr. Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai

Representative of the Faculty of Law, University of Sierra Leone to the Commission

Dr. Abu Bakarr Bangura

Representative of the Sierra Leone Law School on the Commission

Michael Sallu Charles Esq

Representative of the Sierra Leone Bar Association to the Commission


In the execution of its duties, the Law Reform Commission strives to uphold the values of the rule of law, impartiality, patriotism, integrity, inclusiveness, professionalism, inclusivity, excellence, and responsiveness.

  • The Commission strives to develop and maintain the professionalism of its staff by supporting them in building their knowledge, skills, competence, and ethical values through various learning initiatives. The Commission also encourages all members of staff to work as a team, thereby maximizing internal synergy which, in turn, increases the quality and efficiency of the Commission’s output.


  • In carrying out review projects on any given area of law, the Commission encourages the participation of the general public as much as possible, by way of consultative seminars, interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys, so that their diverse views and suggestions can be captured.


  • A central consideration in the Commission’s review process is to select projects and make recommendations that contribute significantly to attaining the national development goals, set out currently in the “New Direction” Agenda.

    National Development

  • As an independent entity, the Commission has a statutory mandate to select any area of the law for review, without reference to any authority or body. This is balanced by the power of the government to decide whether or not to take forward the Commission’s proposals and recommendations.


  • The Commission aims to promote interest in and ensure respect for, the Rule of Law by reviewing and reforming laws in such a way as to increase access to justice for all, foster good governance, support economic growth, and protect human rights.

    Rule of Law

  • The Commission focuses its law review projects on the most pressing issues and problems that face Sierra Leone and the citizens of Sierra Leone. In doing so, the Commission aims to formulate pragmatic and feasible proposals to resolve them.


  • The Commission strives to act with impartiality and objectivity in carrying out its statutory functions, both in the selection of law reform projects and in making proposals for law reform.


Get In Touch

Your engagement, questions, and ideas are not only valued but are essential in driving the change we all desire.